I am happy to report there is a lot of hope for the next generation of young entrepreneurs! In May and June there will be 6(!) new companies launching from our Incubating Innovators program at the Yarmouth Farmer's Market. Stay tuned for specific dates.
When I originally reached out to our schools to see if they could help spread the word, I was told that entrepreneurship is the #1 request kids have. Not only did they help get information out to parents and students, but we are now working in Yarmouth's High School and Middle Schools! Beth and I have had the great fun to be in one school or another every Wednesday since January. We've been helping the girls with product ideas, cost of goods and sourcing and are moving onto Logo design, marketing and inventory next! They are setting goals, creating budgets and getting ready to take their products to market.
It would be an understatement to say the highlight of my week is walking into the schools, seeing the kids in the halls, hearing bits and pieces of their conversations, and then sitting down with a group who are interested in business enough to stay afterschool. The High School kids are getting credit for their companies, and the Middle schooler's group is an extra-curricular activity.
This is Abbey, who has created a Pickle Company called "The Pickle Addict". She is finalizing her packaging (this is a work in progress she's holding), and has brought in samples for us to munch on. De-lish!
To think that some of the girls are not much younger than I was when I started Mad Gab's is mind-blowing, and to see all the technological changes is nuts. When I explained what I went through to print black and white labels (color wasn't an option) they were bug-eyed. Watching them whip around the internet, and Canva is when my eyes pop out! We're having a good time, and I cant wait to see what their final products and displays look like.
I'll keep you posted on all the kiddos and we'll bring you updates as we have them. For now, know that there is a small town in Maine where some pretty great kids are hard at work trying their hand at business!