Meet the Mad Gabbers

Gab: Owner & Maestra

The gal behind the name, Gab has been Mad Gabbing since 1991. Thank goodness she never found the lip balm she wanted (not-greasy, not-waxy and made with good stuff), because if she had, we wouldn’t have Mad Gab’s! She runs the ship, hams it up in front of the camera, (and any audience she can), and works with girls in the community spreading the entrepreneurial bug through Gabgirls/Incubating Innovators.

Bambi: Operations Manager

Bambi wrangles inventory and bookkeeping to make sure product gets made, shipped, billed; she is also the queen of organization!  Bambi is Lead Mom on the Mom-Squad and juggles raising two almost-grown kiddos who keep her laughing.

Amy: Shipper & Packer

A proud fifth generation-lobster-woman, and seasonal-Mad Gabber, Amy is Bambi’s daughter and very much an apple that fell close to the tree! With a sharp eye for detail and a powerful work ethic, Amy packs and ships orders to stores and people all around the country, keeping the happiness flowing.

Katie: Marketing Maven

Bringing some Milennial to Mad Gab’s, Katie has a slew of talents in all things marketing! Amazing at snapping great product shots, taking videos of Gab, and a myriad of social media, marketing, and outreach to the world, there is no marketing maneuver Katie can’t tackle.

Beth: Special Ops

Beth’s lip balm talents date back to 1997 when she helped pour lip balm into tins as well as Gab did. Years later, Gab roped Beth back in after years spent Momming. Beth’s talents include (but are not limited to) balm-making, standing in for Gab, concierging orders, and helping train newbies to the squad.

Walt: Graphic Designer

Walt works closely with Gab designing product packaging, drawing moose faces, and making sure every animal provides the ‘happy’ in ‘happy-making’ products. Owner of 14 guitars, and a part time teacher, Walt is the only guy on the Mom Squad and he can totally hack it.

Ashley: Customer Concierge

Ashley is a quiet powerhouse behind the Mad Gab’s scene. She spends her time connecting with people and stores around the country, avoiding SPAM calls, and adding a gentle spirit to Mad Gab’s World Headquarters. A mom of three little ones, Ashley is happy to have some grown up time away from her brood and brings a very appreciated sense of order to our Madness.